field_config_instance table


Walt Haas's picture

Mark all instances of $field_name deleted in the field_config_instance table and mark the field type of this field deleted in the field_config table. In order for an instance to be deleted, the module which defines the entity in the instance bundle must be active (enabled). If the entity module is disabled, this function will silently fail.

Drupal 7 Field API

Walt Haas's picture

What Is A Field?

A Drupal "field" is a way to attach additional data to any Drupal entity declared fieldable. An entity is marked as fieldable by returning 'fieldable' => TRUE in the array returned by its hook_enitity_info(). Drupal core entities which are fieldable are: node, user, taxonomy and comment. The default is 'fieldable' => FALSE. Fields can be attached to entities using the Field API.

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