Drupal 7

Walt Haas's picture


02/09/2016 - 10:08

Drupal 7 is currently supported, and is the most mature release in the sense that most contributed modules have been updated for this release. This section contains partial documentation for some Drupal 7 core functions needed by the author of a contributed module.

This section contains UML diagrams that are meant only as documentation. This is not the intended use of UML; it is a tool to create a model of software that can be verified then translated into working code. These drawings were produced with PlantUML. You can download the source code for the diagrams here.


Field API
Add information to an entity
Field UI
Control fields through the browser
Responsive Design
Things learned in the process of converting a large site from a fixed-width subtheme of the core Bartik theme to a responsive subtheme of AdaptiveTheme